

Why Us?

Several questions arise when we tend to do business with a business venture. Hundreds of questions appear about the company policies, infra, production, supply, delivery, time frame, loyalty, goodwill, quality, commitment and finally a kind of relation to deal with. Vision cotton is one of the highly reputed, finely organized and systematic cotton waste supplier and exporter worldwide. More than twenty five years of ethical business exposure to our clients who are operating globally. Chronicle of our business venture proves that we provide prompt and quality service to our clients globally.


Good will, reputation and recognition are the results of accumulated expertise and experience.
Vision cotton is the result of the whole of our success and experience in the business world.

Supply and Export

We adhere to the rules, regulations, NORMS and standards PERTAINING SUPPLY AND EXPORT set by government of India AND international BODIES.

Passion and Commitment

It is definitely the passion and commitment of the founder of vision cotton to provide world class quality cotton waste to global industries was the igniting spirit behind the formation of vision cotton.

We hand pick mills IN SOUTH INDIA that is on par with international standards; have automated units that can supply us with clean AND LESS CONTAMINATED quality cotton waste with minimum human deployment.
We make sure that these spinning mills adhere to stringent criteria – Production process, production technical know-how, production technology, quantity and quality control and time factors.
A well developed infrastructure that meets the international standard fully equipped with state of art machinery and equipment for producing cotton waste of different kinds as per the industry specification.

Our work Force

Our work force is trained from the initial stages of production to the final stages -cotton waste. Right from selecting mills; till delivery we engage and deploy in skilled man power.

Team Vision Cotton

We fine tune and train our work force in each and every segment to give the best produce; that meets the highest quality and standard; produce that satisfies our esteemed clients present globally.

Team-VISION COTTON vibrates and radiates success to OUR organization. Our team is well structured and trained to meet the goals and objectives of the company within a specified time. Scrutinized selection process of our HR in hiring the right people for the right job, timely training for coordinating, operating and executing the set goals IS SURELY OUR HIGHER HAND.
We have professionals in each and every segment of our business operation, starting from trading of raw materials to delivery of our processed products to our clients.
Support of our team experts, devotion, and highest form of dedication, vigor, conviction, commitment and determination of our TEAM VISION COTTON makes us to meet the demands of the existing clients without compromise.